

Our mission at Pluvial.Ai is to bring remote sensing, real-time data and AI downscale to the small to mid-size farmer.

Pluvial.Ai determines water needs and identifies plant stress well before they present themselves in the physical world, and in time for the farmer to adapt in real time.

Pluvial.Ai provides farmers with critical answers:

  • How can I identify and adapt to changing conditions on the ground?
  • How can I save on water costs?
  • How can I maximize crop viability?
  • How can I protect and improve my yield?
  • How can I see what my crops need?
  • How can I improve my profitability?
  • Where and when should I focus my efforts?

We have built an AI-based platform that is globally affordable and globally accessible to allow any farmer to efficiently manage most precious and finite resource – Water – without sacrificing yield or product quality. 

Pluvial.Ai brings real-time water management and crop condition assessment direct to the farmer, without the need for on-farm sensors.

We integrate high resolution satellite data and  hyper-local meteorological data into an intuitive geospatial service.

Our clients have no set-up costs, no installation costs and no maintenance costs.  They simply subscribe to the Pluvial.Ai service and receive daily assessments of water needs and crop condition.



Remote Sensing

Pluvial.Ai brings remote sensing data and hyper-local forecasts downscale to provide affordable concise, accurate and actionable irrigation information for farmers.

Cloud Deployed

The Pluvial.Ai platform is engineered & deployed on Microsoft’s Azure cloud to optimize scalability and speed of access.

Artificial Intelligence

Pluvial.Ai uses Microsoft and ESRI to build, train and deploy analytics-based recommendations and forecasting models quickly and accurately.


Pluvial leverages ESRI for locational intelligence using their powerful ArcGIS software for gathering, managing and analyzing geospatial data.